Creating A Compelling Future: A Step-by-Step of How

As the last day of 2020 has arrived, many find themselves in the place of balancing the past, what has been, and the future, what will be or has yet to come. Many desire a new spark within that balancing spirit. Honestly, that desire occurs anytime there is a significant change. As 2021 welcomes us into its fold, many are standing, waiting anxiously to see what is next. Naturally, the unknown has created great chatter that centers on nervousness and questions. I get it. After all that 2020 has delivered, it’s logical to wonder what will be. I would be remiss if I did not pause and remind you that the past does not have to dictate the future. That is a choice and an unhelpful mindset. It’s one that keeps us in a cycle of negative thinking and even greater adverse action. With that, I find it essential to talk about witnessing, healing, and creating a compelling future—a future filled with more of what we do want and less of what we don’t.

Let’s start the conversation with witnessing.


Witnessing simply means appreciating where you are—in the fullness, every aspect, of your current state.  Yes, that means acknowledging the highs and the lows through the lens of gratitude. It’s leaning into the days that you thought you could not possibly make it through and celebrating the moments that reminded you what a fierce force you genuinely are. When gratitude is in play, it sends a message to keep the good flowing your way. This also helps us find, honor, and own our optimistic spirit.

As we lean in, we must ask ourselves these fundamental questions framed in the mindset of “I.”

1.    What am I most proud of accomplishing over the last twelve months?

2.    Did I properly celebrate those milestones?

3.    What relationship(s) have I developed or removed?

4.    What did I let go of in 2020 that I would have never believed possible in 2019?

5.    Is there anything left I need to release or mourn?

6.    Are there loose ends I need to tie up in order to boldly move into a chapter unburdened?

Once your answers have been fully formulated and witnessed, we must heal that which has not worked.


For many, healing is believed to only be needed when we hit the wall of major, unsettling, and even life-altering events (Such as the way 2020 has unfolded for many.) While healing is necessary for these circumstances, I want to offer a different perspective and relationship to healing that may serve you. I know it has served me well. Here it goes: Healing is a daily activity. Keep that thought in your mind, and let’s back up for a minute.

When we experience an event or situation, we often look at the “big picture.” We see the circumstance as a whole. We rarely consider all of the elements and pieces that lead up to the “big picture.” This is a mistake. If we break down our experience, witness it, and lean in to heal, we see both the lesson from the overall event and gleam the wisdom within the individual pieces that lead to the overall moment. This gives us a rounded understanding of ourselves and our lives.

Back to daily healing, when we witness the individual elements of our day, we do not get trapped in a cycle of negativity or miss the wisdom within the daily motion. This is the essence of being present in the now. Imagine how much easier it would be to digest the rollercoaster of 2020 if you were taking the experience and cleaning up your emotions and relationship to each event day-by-day.

With that said, how can we heal daily? It’s nothing more than taking a few moments at the end of the day to witness what has been, heal anything that did not work for you, and release it, so you do not carry it into the next twenty-four hours. This process may feel like work initially. Yet, after practice, it becomes a mindset, which then becomes far more effortless and oftentimes a subconscious thought pattern. Work to release what 2020 has delivered, shift your mindset to doing this work daily, and then let’s create your vision for the next twelve months. This is a new chapter—an exciting new beginning or more profound movement into what you’ve already positively created if you frame your mind in this direction.


In this sense, we are talking about the future as close as tomorrow, next week, three months from now, or even six. Creating a compelling future is a scientific formula that proves that if we can visualize a feeling or an experience in a well-realized and powerful form, it can stimulate our present. High-performing athletes are taught this method to see themselves competing at exceptional levels and achieving their end goal. Successful business people will often visual their big meetings, mentally plot and plan it out, and then see themselves shaking hands with their clients as they score the deal. Perhaps you’ve even used this technique but did not know there was a philosophy and proof behind it. This is also the process that many will use the saying, “See it. Believe it. Receive it.”

There is actual science behind this, as when we see, feel, visualize, or even taste or smell something in great detail, our mind says it’s already yours. Why? Because our minds do not know the difference between what is visualized and what is happening in real-time. We do not have a cognitive filter (a mind filter or operation) regarding what is perceived versus what is physically present.

If that doesn’t settle well with you, think of the last time you had a dream that you couldn’t shake. It felt real, didn’t it? You may have even become unnerved by the experience. From there, it may have become difficult to shake because the mind delivered something it felt was real, though consciously you know otherwise. This is that principle, but it is done purposefully.

When we think about 2021 and begin to visualize how we will show up, what we want to create, and the life we want to live, we put intention into action. If our choices are framed in the positive, our emotions follow in that upward pattern. Those good feelings become our motivation. I often talk about getting out of cycles; this operation is the only cycle I personally welcome in my life. I invite you to do the same.

Let’s give it a try.

Think of your number one goal for 2021. With your goal in mind, move through these individual steps, one-by-one, until you feel you have mastered each process.

1.    See yourself doing what is involved. See the people, places, and circumstances that must align to bring your goal into existence.

For example, let’s say you want to buy a new home, but you must first save a set amount of money. See yourself working to create the savings. Visualize yourself depositing the money into your account. See the kind of home you want, down to the color of the kitchen cabinets and backsplash. Have fun with it. Visualize yourself depositing funds each week until your final goal has been reached.

2.    Hear the sounds, the words, even the praise for reaching your goal.

Hear the bank clerk welcome you into the drive-thru as you make another deposit. Imagine your realtor announcing your offer has been accepted. Visualize the call you will excitedly make to tell your best friend that the house is yours! Hear their words as they celebrate your efforts.

3.    Feel. Feel how great it will be to hit your goal. Feel the physical expression of everything involved.

Feel what it will be like to know the home is yours. Feel the motion and movement of packing your belongings, spending the first night in your new home, and even what it will be like setting up your favorite room in the house.

4.    If you can taste or smell something within the goal, do that, too.

Perhaps you can see yourself cooking your favorite meal in your new kitchen. Smell the smells. Taste the food move across your taste buds.

 See it. Believe it. Receive it.

After you’ve created the visual, put the Compelling Future technique in physical form. Gather the documents and place them where you can see them. If you are working to grow your bank account, add the number of deposits and amounts you need to reach your goal. This keeps the destination fresh and in the forefront of your mind. When I was working to change literary agents, I printed out an old contract, changed the name, dated it, and put my desired outcome on the paperwork. I hung it on my wall where it was up front and center each day. Before I began writing agents for representation, I used the Compelling Future technique. Within that same month, I had my desired outcome and several offers. I use this technique each time I put a new desire, intention, and goal in motion. In fact, I have dozens of other examples of when and how this worked. It’s been used with little, silly things such as a blow dryer I had my eye, but couldn’t fathom spending so much on to a full-scale cross-country move. It may sound absurd, but there is valid scientific evidence that it works.

Think of how this technique will motivate you to take steps in creating what you desire to create. Take stock in this pattern and use it for each of your goals. Repeat the visualization as often as you wish. In the early stages of a goal, sitting with the visualization each day for ten days helps to engage the desire and motivate your actions. Where most people get this wrong is the action part. You must take steps, both in ease and effort, to create momentum in any plan. This is a step-by-step process to achieve what you desire, not have it land in your lap. Science does not back that up. Once you have momentum, events, real or visualized, repeat over time, and build into results that are often greater than you can foresee on the onset.


So, ask yourself, what do I want? Witness it. Heal anything that lingers and stands in your way, and get to creating your future. It all starts in your head—that wish, that desire. Work to experience it, and then get the experience on paper. You are the brilliant architect of your life. These techniques help frame the walls of your creation.

Danielle A. Vann is a 19-time international award-winning author, a certified Life Coach with a specialty certification in mindfulness, a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, a certified Advanced Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner, and a certified meditation coach. She is also the creator behind Get Your Life Together, Girl. To learn more, visit the bio page, and follow @Getyourlifetogethergirl on Instagram.

Copyright of Author Danielle A. Vann 2020 

Danielle Vann

Danielle A. Vann is a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, Life Coach to women, Meditation Instructor, and international award-winning author.

Why Healing is Important & How to Start the Process


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