Meditation Without Frustration & Emotional Freedom Tapping


Starting on April 1st, the doors open to Meditation Without Frustration and EFT.

MWF is a four-week class delivered directly to your inbox daily, WITH A HUGE BONUS! LIVE GROUP ZOOM CALLS WITH ME!

When I’ve asked the community what they need or want to learn, it generally comes back to mindfulness skills and meditation. So, I’ve got you, ladies!

When I first went on my healing journey, I found meditation hard and, at times, damn near impossible. That is until I realized I had to take away the perfection, what I was “supposed to do,” let go of the fact that I had zero ability to stop my thoughts, and I had to lean into what worked for me.

But how? In enters Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). This is a blend of meditation, body awareness, and learning how YOUR body handles (and can resolve) stress neurologically.

Throughout the 30-day course, you will learn skills that WILL increase your ability to:

· Calm the mind

· Cope with stress, pain, and the challenges of everyday life

· How to start a lasting, daily meditation practice

· Be fully present and alive in the moment

· Through Mindfulness Meditation, one can cultivate a sense of self

· Tools to use while meditating

· Emotional Freedom Tapping

We’ll dive deep by covering breathing techniques, guided meditation, different styles of meditation, and ultimately, you’ll learn how to reduce stress, work toward inner healing, calm the mind, body, and spirit, and how to reset anxiety through several healing practices.

Once a week, we’ll meet LIVE over ZOOM, in the evening, to meditate, ask questions, and go over that week’s work. It’s an interactive class that I hope you’ll join! Can you imagine if you gave yourself 30-days to find a new sense of calm that you can use for the rest of your entire lifetime?

Most classes of this nature and magnitude cost well-over over $300.00. I believe these skills should be available to everyone. The course is only $65.00 for ALL Get Your Life Together, Girl Insiders. Space is limited because our Zoom capacity is limited.

Click to snag your spot today!

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