
Oh, hey!

The word mindfulness has become buzz-worthy for all the right reasons. Mindful people live life differently, and the benefits are catching significant attention. Which seems funny to me since mindfulness has been practiced for thousands of years in various ways, from religion to yoga, to broader ancient traditions.

Maybe you are asking, what is mindfulness exactly? Let me break it down in the simplest of terms and note that the weekly blog digs deeper into the practice. Mindfulness is the act of being present and aware of what you are doing, feeling, experiencing, and creating in the now, this very moment. Moreover, it’s an awareness and focus without a sense or a state of sitting in judgment. I personally believe mindfulness is the second gateway, with meditation being the first, to inner connection. It, too, is about living consciously without asking for life to be different than it is, and it is an essential technique to show you where and when to slow down, release, and how to let life unfold naturally. Mindfulness takes both focused and organic thought to grow, which creates mindfully positive thoughts that move you into a conscious way of being.  

 If you have found yourself in autopilot mode or reacting from habit, not thought, you may want to make mindfulness your daily focus A.S.A.P! If you are driven by your emotions, you too would be served by adopting a mindfulness practice. If you find it easier to limit yourself and the world around you rather than showing up, it’s time to get mindfully comfortable, babe. Engaging in negatives, refusing your potential, little response control, or staying only in black and white thinking are also red flags that you have gotten out of the habit of staying present-based.

Remember, mindfulness honors the moments—one-by-one, piece-by-piece, in and of everything. It’s a beautiful state of being. One that is free, available to you at all times, and easy to obtain. When this practice becomes a habit, your life enhances. It’s the way to become and live as the uncompromised person of your dreams.

Would mindfulness serve you in your life? Nod your head with me.

Yes! Yes, it would!

Look for new blog posts weekly ranging from mindfulness, self-help, meditation, growth, and everything else in-between. They don’t call me the “Get Your Life Together Girl” for nothing. Right?

ARTICLES ABOUT mindfulness

Are You The Master Of Your Emotions? Or Are Your Emotions The Master Of You?

Have you ever felt stuck?

Put your hand down…

Listen, it’s a hard yes for all of us.

We have all experienced things that have caused us to feel like we can’t or don’t know how to move forward. “Stuck” is a mindset connected to our thoughts, and it’s one that keeps us from actively being within personal growth. Which leads me to ask, are you the master of your emotions? Or, are you mastered by your emotions?

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